Friday, June 4, 2010


Our main store checkout solutions have been a virtual nightmare for both customers and me. For the time being The main site will give you a message when you click on items that we are closed and you can shop at I will be slowly modifying the main site to direct customers to shop their. This should be easier on everyone. I want to make sure that check out runs smoothly and is hassle free for everyone. Thanks so much to our loyal customers and fans for your patients and understanding while we work out all these little kinks and bumps in the road :)

Also we have been approved to sell Wahmies OS, DryBees & Rocky Mountian diapers :) so look for those items soon :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

FGB is working on a Forum!

I was unaware until recently that my web solution for Five Green Beans also offered a free message board. I for one love sites such as Diaperswappers, Mothering etc. I feel though sometimes with such large forums its hard to keep up with them. I think having a small forum to discuss things such as Diapers, Parenting, Going Green, and even a little buying, selling and trading items would be a lot of fun. I know it fits my personality better to be in smaller circles vrs thousands of members. You never know how far something will grow so it will be interesting to see how it plays out. I will be needing a few moderators and an additional admin someone who is pretty message board/web savvy to help install the private message board features. That is the only part I can't seem to figure out thus far. Although I am still setting up shop you are free to join now. I will be posting a sticky this weekend for moderator applications. So if your interested let me know :) Click here to see and join the forum!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Do you buy white diapers?

Aside from the benefits of cloth diapers for your child's health and our environment one if the huge drawing features for me is the cuteness factor. Seems their is an endless supply of adorable prints & solids. Even what used to be boring prefold or flat diapers from our Grandmothers diapering days can be dyed & embellished in any way you can imagine. I often wonder do cloth diaper users buy any white diapers? Do you like the traditional look of them? Even huggies (yuck) came out with a diaper that looks like blue jeans. I haven't seen them other than on the package at the store. It really made me think does anyone use just white diapers anymore? I actually only have 1 white diaper that was part of a lot of diaper I bought with my know almost 5 year old. I even tried to dye it but the only thing that kept the dye was the thread lol. I do have a white diaper on the way to me (again because it was part of a lot) I can't say that I would ever seek out white diapers to buy.

White Diaper

Print Diaper